Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held the first meeting of the National Council for Science and Technology under the President, at which further priorities of the country's science and technology policy were determined.
In his speech, the head of state noted that at all times science was considered the main key to development.
"All successes in the history of mankind have been achieved thanks to knowledge. Moreover, in the current era of advanced technologies, no progress is possible without science. Therefore, I pay special attention to its development. In my election program, I specifically expressed my position on this topical issue. The development of science is one of most important areas of state policy. Unfortunately, in our country for many years, science has not been given due attention. In this regard, many unresolved issues have accumulated. We can say that this area is lagging behind. If we want to become a prosperous country, we must fill this gap" - said Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.
The President stated that science and technology are rapidly developing. The scientific sphere has become a gigantic industry with financial turnover in the billions of dollars. The value of large technology corporations has reached a trillion dollars. The advent of neural networks and artificial intelligence has led to truly revolutionary processes.
"In a word, a new reality is coming. If we do not adapt to these changes, we may be left on the sidelines of progress. Our ultimate goal is to be among the leaders, not the followers. This is certainly a very difficult goal, and we must do it well understand. I have said this more than once. In general, we should not set ourselves too high, unattainable goals, but we must make every effort to achieve real scientific achievements. Kazakhstan should become a state that does not learn, but teaches, does not consume, but produces. And these are not empty words. To do this, we must always act decisively, be proactive. If we manage to correctly organize our work, then any business will be within our reach," the head of state said.
As Kassym-Jomart Tokayev emphasized, tangible changes have taken place in the field of science in recent years. In particular, the volumes and mechanisms of research financing have been significantly increased, scientific organizations have been modernized, the number of internships in the world's leading scientific centers has increased, and the field of science has become more attractive to young people. But, despite all efforts, domestic science is not yet the engine of the country's socio-economic progress.
We do not have enterprises of the sixth technological order with an emphasis on nano- and biotechnologies. It is clear that we are critically behind in the most advanced branches of science. I gave specific figures, and this must be recognized. In developed countries, more than half of the enterprises belong to the fifth technological order and 5% to the sixth. In short, our production is significantly behind them. Reducing this difference is a very urgent task for our country. Therefore, our scientists face a special challenge: domestic science must act as the vanguard in the modernization of the national economy," the president said. In developed countries, more than half of the enterprises belong to the fifth technological order and 5% to the sixth. In short, our production is significantly behind them. Reducing this difference is a very urgent task for our country. Therefore, our scientists face a special challenge: domestic science must act as the vanguard in the modernization of the national economy," the president said. In developed countries, more than half of the enterprises belong to the fifth technological order and 5% to the sixth. In short, our production is significantly behind them. Reducing this difference is a very urgent task for our country. Therefore, our scientists face a special challenge: domestic science must act as the vanguard in the modernization of the national economy," the president said.
The head of state believes that the Government will have to implement a set of measures to form an open model of science in Kazakhstan. First of all, it is necessary to legislate new approaches to the development of science, to strengthen the relationship between scientific and technological and economic policy of the state. As mentioned below, there is a need to develop a separate law on science and technology policy. To stimulate business investment in science, it is necessary to introduce tax incentives and investment preferences in the form of so-called "super deductions". Specific norms should be provided for in the Tax, Entrepreneurial and Budget Codes already this year.
“I would like to say separately that state funding of science should not be considered by scientists, but most likely by pseudoscientists, as a “free feeder”. It is not a secret for you that relevant projects that do not have actual scientific significance are often adjusted for financial grants. For example, the sad the experience of the Parasat scientific holding. All allocated funds went to waste, and its former head, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, received American citizenship and left the country safely with his family," Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said.
He considers it necessary to start implementing a comprehensive plan to open strong scientific centers and institutes of the natural sciences, engineering and technology, social and humanitarian profiles. The President instructed the authorized bodies to bring admission to doctoral studies to 5,000 people. Also, in order to improve the status of scientists and strengthen their social protection, it was instructed to increase by 1.5 times the additional payment for academic degrees and titles of employees of universities and scientific organizations.
Our scientists have to be content with low wages. Therefore, some talented domestic scientists prefer to work in foreign scientific centers. We need to talk about it openly. In this regard, direct budgetary financing of leading research institutes is required, providing for the modernization of their scientific infrastructure and the construction of modern laboratories. It is necessary to analyze how effective the work of existing research institutes is. It is important to provide conditions for young scientists,” the head of state instructed. providing for the modernization of their scientific infrastructure, the construction of modern laboratories. It is necessary to analyze how effective the work of existing research institutes is. It is important to provide conditions for young scientists,” the head of state instructed. providing for the modernization of their scientific infrastructure, the construction of modern laboratories. It is necessary to analyze how effective the work of existing research institutes is. It is important to provide conditions for young scientists,” the head of state instructed.
Along with this, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted that the National Academy of Sciences plays a huge role in the new model for the development of science. Recently, this institution received the status under the President. Issues with the financing of its activities have been resolved, lifelong scholarships have been assigned to academicians.
“I will say frankly and frankly: we have a lot of academicians, some of whom have nothing to do with science. It seems that a person is an academician, and his contribution to the development of science is absolutely unknown to anyone. Serious doubts are raised both by the scientific knowledge of such academicians, and and their achievements. This, in turn, undermines the authority of the Academy. Therefore, the new leadership of the Academy should pay close attention to this urgent problem. The authority and status of the National Academy of Sciences must be impeccable. One truth must always be remembered. Being a real scientist is not it means to have the titles of an academician or a doctor, and it means to give all your strength to scientific research and benefit society. Therefore, cardinal changes must take place in the work of the National Academy of Sciences," the president said.
He believes that the new model of science should be based on partnership between the state and business. According to him, such an approach will allow solving social and economic problems and is in line with the strategic course for building a Just Kazakhstan. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev expressed confidence that a new generation of scientists will appear in the country who will worthily continue the work of Kanysh Satbayev and Alkey Margulan and other outstanding scientists. At the end of his speech, the Head of State congratulated scientists on the Day of Science.
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Dzhumadildaev, President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kunsulu Zakarya, Professor of the School of Nuclear Energy at Purdu University (USA) Zinetula Insepov, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhaken Taymagambetov, Associate Professor, Director of the Gustav Institute Rosy (France) Murat Saparbaev, Chief Researcher, Department of Globalization and International Cooperation, Institute of Economics, Ministry of Science and Higher Education Orazaly Sabden, Associate Professor, Austrian Institute of Science and Technology Zhanybek Alpishchev, Researcher, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA), Candidate of Technical Sciences Diyar Talbaev.
By the Kazakhstanskaya Pravda