Tunnel found leading to Tsesnabank in Astana

    Kazakhstan Today
    The authorities in Astana have found an underground tunnel leading to Tsesnabank’s administrative offices, a spokesperson for the Astana Internal Affairs Department, Nurdilda Oraz has stated. However, it appears the person behind the crime miscalculated, as the entrance into the bank lead into administrative offices, not the vault. No money was missing.
    On October 19, the central administration of the Astana Internal Affairs Department received a call from the chief of security at Tsesnabank, saying a tunnel was found underneath the bank," said Oraz.
    He added that while inspecting the crime scene, police found a 74 meter tunnel with one exit in a garage nearby.
    Ms. Oraz said the garage owner stated that last August, he leased the facility to an unknown individual, after being offered a large sum of money.
    "Currently there are a circle of suspects under investigation for the crime," Oraz added, Kazakhstan Today reports.