Nobel Prize Winners deliver Lectures at Kazakh Universities
Renowned scientists -- Nobel Prize Winners John Nash, Roger Kornberg, Sir James Mirrlees, and Robert Aumann have delivered lectures at the Eurasian National University and Nazarbayev University.
These legendary researchers presented theories to students and answered questions. One of the laureates in economics, Robert Aumann, was unofficially named ‘the Savior of Mankind fr om Nuclear War.
Aumann said that the Astana Economic Forum was a grand event, which brought together a great number of acknowledged experts and economists.
He said the forum was organized at the highest possible level, and he was very impressed.
Aumann has taken part in many conferences and similar events with their main significance and role lying in discussing and sharing ideas, wh ere informal communication is considered important. He noted that Astana managed to provide this opportunity by gathering experts from all over the world, Caspionet said.