Astana Declaration of the 3rd ICHM calls for Collective Self-reliance in Vaccine Production and Supply for OIC States

    The Islamic Conference of Health Ministers (ICHM) unanimously adopted the Astana Declaration, which called upon the OIC Member States to promote collective self-reliance in vaccine production and supply through strengthening National Regulatory Authorities and improving capacity for vaccine production and distribution in the OIC Member States. In this connection, it urged the Member States to promote and intensify research and development efforts for health systems research that can greatly enhance public health outcomes.
    The theme of the Conference, which was held from 29th September to 1st October 2011 in Astana, Kazakhstan, was Health, Wellbeing and Equality.
    The ICHM reaffirmed the commitment of the OIC Member States to accord high priority to health and to assess the existing national public health systems and develop, strengthen and maintain the core country capacities required under the International Health Regulations (2005) through mobilization of both domestic and external resources and expertise.
    The Declaration praised the OIC Secretary General for taking the lead in promoting public health initiatives among the OIC Member States in collaboration with international organizations and urged the Member States to intensify their cooperation with the World Health Organization and other international organizations to combat global health concerns including Polio, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria as well as non- communicable diseases. Mother and Child health care was also one of the priority areas.
    The Conference emphasized the importance of cooperation between the OIC Member States for self-reliance in the production and supply of medicaments and vaccines. It also urged all Member States and international organizations, including WHO to provide and mobilize adequate resources and support to protect public health and strengthen the healthcare delivery system in Palestine, occupied Syrian Golan Heights and other conflict affected areas,k WAM (Emirates News Agency) wrote.