Almaty drivers fined 1 billion tenge in 2 months
Over 98 thousand traffic violations were recorded and 95 thousand tickets issued for over 1 billion tenge ($6.7 million) in Almaty since December 2012, STV reports.
According to the city Road Police Department, video surveillance cameras record up to 2 thousand traffic rules violations daily.
The most frequent violation is speeding. Law enforcement fined drivers 98 million tenge ($653 thousand) starting from January 1, 2013.
STV mentioned the automated system called - Traffic Safety, was launched in Almaty on December 14, 2012. The system includes 25 surveillance posts monitoring traffic flow, car speeds and road-crossing safety. The plan is to bring the number of such posts to 107 by the end of the year.
The record speed in Almaty was 153 km/h and the highest number of tickets issued on one car owner was 4-5 tickets, states.