Tasmagambetov suggests toughening control over visitors and migrants

    Imangali Tasmagambetov, akim of Astana, has said he believes the
    growing influx of migrants into the city has resulted in growing crime,
    Newskaz.ru reports.
    “Astana is an attractive place. I believe we should toughen control
    over migrants and the sojourn of visitors to the capital,” he said while
    speaking at a session of the Rule of Law and Crime Control Board.
    “I suggest setting new rules related to obtaining permanent residence
    in the capital city (…) each person applying for permanent residence should own
    at least 15 square meters of housing,” he said.
    “Crimes committed by visitors to the capital city – primarily petty
    crimes and moderately severe crimes – make up over 30 000 (90%) of all crime.
    Theft accounts for 56.9%. Back in 2010, the number of thefts stood at 1,500,
    with the figure reaching 14,000 in 2012. Hooliganism and robberies are on the
    rise, with their figures totaling 3,358 and 2,330, respectively”, he said.
    The growing population has resulted in extra burden on investigators
    (2.6 times higher than the national average) and a lower crime detection rate, www.tengrinews.kz wrote.