Samruk-Kazyna finished its transformation programme

    Samruk-Kazyna has finished the transformation of its corporate center.
    Top managers of the Fund have shared their experience with the chiefs of portfolio companies.
    At a regular town hall meeting with the employees, CEO of the Fund Umirzak Shukeyev announced the accomplishment of the transformation programme launched in October 2014.
    “We have passed a long way in these 2.5 years. The most important thing is that we are no more a corporate center. We have become a strategic holding. But we need some time to let our employees change,” said the CEO.
    Representatives of the portfolio companies told about implementation of transformation projects.
    Presently, six largest national companies are implementing more than 100 transformation projects aimed at increasing business efficiency.
    Chief of the Fund’s Transformation Project Larissa Zyamzina shared the lessons learnt from the period of transformation with her colleagues.
    The first and the most important factor is a role-model of the CEO. Please, remember that employees always look at their bosses. Everything depends on you; you are the change-leaders of these changes. The second lesson is that transformation means, first of all, people. Business processes, new operation model, new departments appeared, but the most important thing is our people. In any transformation projects the team usually divides into three groups – allies, opponents and those who say: “We don’t know what expects us.” For this reason we need to constantly explain all the details,” said Zyamzina.