The 2018 budget forecast has been adjusted during the meeting of the Government, Minister of National Economy Timur Suleimenov said, correspondent reports.
"The revenues, excluding transfers in 2018, are estimated at KZT 5.7 trillion, which is KZT190bn higher than the approved plan. The main increase in revenues is through mineral extraction tax and export customs duty on crude oil. The guaranteed transfer from the National Fund was retained in previously approved amount of 2.6 trillion tenge, no targeted transfer is envisaged, -"Suleimenov said.
Also, in his report, he noted that the budget deficit, taking into account the attraction of the balance of funds in 2017 in the amount of 125 billion tenge, will be 1.5% of GDP.
"The budget expenditures are forecast at KZT 9.6 trillion with an increase of KZT 425 billion relative to the approved volume. The incomes to the National Fund are projected to grow by KZT 546 billion, by the end of 2018 they will amount to KZT 2.6 trillion," Suleimenov said.
According to the minister, the level of the National Fund resources use at that will not increase. As a result, the currency assets of the National Fund at the end of the year are projected at $ 58.3 billion. In comparison with the previous forecast, they will increase by KZT5.3 bn.
"Within the draft law on clarifying the republican budget for the current year, budget revenues are increased by KZT181 billion and total KZT8,759 billion, mainly from export and customs duties on oil as a result of increase in the price and volume of production. The deficit is 883 billion tenge or 1.5 percent of GDP. The expenditures of the republican budget in 2018 with an increase of 417 billion tenge will make 9 643 billion tenge, "Sultanov said.
He also noted that additional 106 billion tenge will be directed to support the social sphere.
"Of that, to raise teachers' salaries from 30 to 50 percent , i.e., 62 billion tenge, further development of Nazarbayev University 31.7 billion tenge, for the benefits to persons caring for disabled people 2.7 billion tenge," Sultanov said.
In addition, according to the Minister, extra 115 billion tenge is proposed for development of the real sector of the economy.
"Of that sum, KZT 31 billion will be additionally allocated to provide drinking water for settlements, 31.5 billion tenge for the engineering and communication infrastructure to the housing projects under construction, 29 billion for the development of the local road network, for development of the agro-industrial complex, interest rate subsidies on loans and leasing, as well as on the development of agronomics KZT15 bn. It is proposed to channel 71 bn tenge for measures to combat cybercrime," Sultanov accounted.
Reported by Inga Selezneva for the Kazakhstanskaya Pravda.