Kazakhstan as a transit hub of Eurasia


In January-June 2018, 578.5 billion tenge were invested in transport and storage in Kazakhstan, 37% more than a year earlier. Taking into account inflation, the growth in comparable prices amounted to 30.1%.

The largest volume of capital investments fell to Astana for 25.2%, Atyrau Region for 16.5%, and Mangistau Region for 12.8%.

A number of projects in the transport sector are being implemented in Kazakhstan: the network of oil / gas pipelines is being modernised and expanded, airport infrastructure is being updated, the Aktau seaport and the dry port of Khorgos are developing, roads are being built and transport corridors are being opened, including international ones, for example, the New Silk Road Pan-Eurasian project, etc.

When developing infrastructure projects, the PPP mechanism is actively used, and both Kazakhstani and foreign investors are involved in public-private partnership. Thus, the bulk of capital investments in the transport and logistics sector was provided by own means of business for 35.4% of the entire investment portfolio of the industry.

Another 32.9% were borrowed funds, 23% - funds from the budget of Kazakhstan, both republican and local, and 8.8% from bank loans.

The transport and logistics sector demonstrates strong growth. Last year the gross added value of the infrastructure sector reached 4.3 trillion tenge, 8.2% of the GDP of Kazakhstan.

Net GVA growth with inflation accounted for 4.8%. For comparison, overall GDP growth was 4%.

After EnergyProm (Kazakhstan).